Search found 284 matches

by gixo
Aug 21st, '11, 13:24
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Weil es 2 Seasons vom chn Meteor Shower gibt ... Wiki ... 72 eps, 40min per episode sorry, nur kurz reingeschaut ... da ich schon für die tw version keine motivation fand, die jap + kor versionen nach 3 eps zur seite gelegt wurden und es für die chn version nur ungesyncte subs up to epi 17 gibt ......
by gixo
Aug 21st, '11, 12:29
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

@k361 danke für die links. pfff... 36 Folgen. Das zieht sich meistens irgendwann in der Mitte weil unnötig aufgebauscht wird. Na mal sehen, vieleicht ist es ja über 36 Folgen hinweg ganz ok. @airhead danke für die Tipps. Da scheint einiges für mich dabei zu sein. Mal sehen, ob noch alles irgendwo er...
by gixo
Aug 20th, '11, 22:08
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

@k361 Danke für die Tipps. Ich finde Yashuu Yoshihika nicht unter Drama Wiki. WIrd es irgendwie anders geschrieben? Die anderen Dramen scheinen interessant zu sein. @Ryuuta ein Remake von Hana Kimi? Cool. Ich fand die Version von 2007 ok, aber nicht so super dolle. Der Manga hingegen war einfach nur...
by gixo
Aug 20th, '11, 20:16
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Hi alle miteinander. Oh man, ich war schon ewig nicht mehr in diesem Forum und wollte mal sehen was sich hier so tut. Es tummeln sich hier tollerweise noch immer ein paar Leute von früher rum. Allerdings nicht mehr ganz so aktiv wie früher. Ich erinnere mich an 3-4 Seiten pro Abend. SpezielleGrüße a...
by gixo
Feb 21st, '10, 22:15
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

... Wenn ich wieder Zeit habe, werde ich mir ganz, ganz, ganz viele Dramen reinziehen. So mindestens 10 Dramen stehen schon auf der Warteliste. Wann hab ich das zum letzten Mal gehört :scratch: :D jaja. Ich weiß. Aber wenn alles gut geht habe spätestens Ende diesen Jahres wieder Zeit einiges zu sch...
by gixo
Feb 19th, '10, 20:30
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

soweit ichs verstanden hab bleibt das forum + subforum..auch das wiki....bloß der tracker fällt jetzt weg Ich glaube das torrent forum bleibt weiterhin erhalten. Nur dass keine torrents mehr, sondern die links für die ddl der torrents gepostet werden. Also nicht so schlimm, falls die Leute weiterhi...
by gixo
Nov 28th, '09, 20:28
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Hi airhead danke für die Tipps. Einige Sachen hören sich ziemlich interessant an. Werde ich mir dann mal reinziehen, wenn ich wieder Zeit habe. @ Wrow habe mir mal während einer Zugfahrt eine Folge von "You're beautiful" ansehen können. Hast recht, es gefällt mir soweit. Mal sehen, wie es ...
by gixo
Nov 14th, '09, 22:53
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054


habe schon ewig nicht mehr hier vorbeigeschaut. Irgendwelche guten Serien dieses Jahr verpasst? Bin derzeit total im Stress und hoffe auf X-Mas. Dann möchte ich gerne einige gute Serien sehen. Deswegen möchte ich jetzt gerne zu sammeln anfangen.
by gixo
Jun 11th, '09, 15:33
Forum: Travel
Topic: Korea Trip
Replies: 35
Views: 27322

Hi guys, going to Seoul next month and am trying to book a hotel on the internet. I found an interesting one on Anyone ever used it? Since it's a Korean operating agency I never heard of it before. Just wondering if it's a legitimate agency. It's much cheaper using that agency than b...
by gixo
May 23rd, '09, 21:15
Forum: Travel
Topic: Korea Trip
Replies: 35
Views: 27322

Hi guys, going to Seoul next month and am trying to book a hotel on the internet. I found an interesting one on Anyone ever used it? Since it's a Korean operating agency I never heard of it before. Just wondering if it's a legitimate agency. It's much cheaper using that agency than bo...
by gixo
Mar 14th, '09, 18:09
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Airhead wrote:
gixo wrote:...
done ... :)
Danke. Nun kann ich weiterschauen.
by gixo
Mar 12th, '09, 14:24
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Wo willstn ueberall hin? Prinzipiell kann ich Seoul, Kyeongju, Busan und Jeju Island empfehlen. Aber ich kenn mich nur in Seoul wirklich aus. Na ja, innerhalb einer Woche kann man nicht wirklich viel sehen. Ich denke ich sollte es also auf 2-3 Städte beschränken. Oder ich mache so eine Wahnsinns To...
by gixo
Mar 11th, '09, 19:08
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

... danke für den tipp. ich versuche es gerade. Aber leider gibts da keine raws für eps 4. Falls du die gleichen raws hast wie hier, kannst du bitte etwas seeden? mir fehlen nur noch 3 %, Danke. ... ich werde daran denken, allerdings wirds noch dauern ... meine main-leitung ist gerade tot Thanks. W...
by gixo
Mar 10th, '09, 21:35
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Hat jemand von euch eine Ahnung ob es "juken no kamisama" irgendwo auf einer CB gibt? Die torrents sind ziemlich schlecht. nach 30 sec überlegen wo ich's her hab ... raws gibts auf veoh :cheers: 1% of anything kannst ruhig schaun, machst nicht viel falsch dabei :wink: (das nachtimen meine...
by gixo
Mar 8th, '09, 23:18
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Hat jemand von euch eine Ahnung ob es "juken no kamisama" irgendwo auf einer CB gibt? Die torrents sind ziemlich schlecht. @Jazzl 1% of Anything hat kein Happy End? hmmm... ich hatte noch geplant mir das anzuschauen. Aber ich bin auch eher für Happy-ends (sofern es nicht allzu weit hergeho...
by gixo
Mar 5th, '09, 23:37
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Wattstax wrote: Und das Handy komplett abzuschalten ist wohl eine asiatische Todsünde. Der einzige Grund, weshalb man jemanden dort nicht erreichen kann, ist wohl nur ein leerer Akku.
Ich glaube sogar ein leerer Akku ist eine Todsünde dort. Denn wozu gibt es denn sonst Ersatzakkus?
by gixo
Mar 4th, '09, 23:07
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

ah, hab' mich schon gewundert, warum noch kein torrent draußen ist. danke für die info. was man nich alles online erfährt. :-) lee min ho (musste natürlich erst mal googeln, wer das is +g+) ist mein lieblingsdarsteller. na ja, mir fallen oft szenen komisch auf, sprich, die mimik und gestik ist halt...
by gixo
Feb 8th, '09, 22:18
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Na mal sehen, wie es ist. MG hat meiner Meinung allein schon deswegen Beachtung verdient, da es 1. der Anstoß für die ganzen TW-Serien war und 2. so erfolgreich war, dass die Japaner und Koreaner auch eine eigene Version gedreht haben/drehen. Jetzt fehlt nur noch Mainland-China. Mal sehe, wann die ...
by gixo
Feb 8th, '09, 00:16
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Na mal sehen, wie es ist. MG hat meiner Meinung allein schon deswegen Beachtung verdient, da es 1. der Anstoß für die ganzen TW-Serien war und 2. so erfolgreich war, dass die Japaner und Koreaner auch eine eigene Version gedreht haben/drehen. Jetzt fehlt nur noch Mainland-China. Mal sehe, wann die i...
by gixo
Feb 8th, '09, 00:04
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Boys Before Flowers :cheers: Haha, haben die Koreaner jetzt eine eigene Version von Hana Yori Dango und Meteor Garden rausgebracht. Das muss ich sehen. Danke für den Tipp. Edit: Gibt ja mal wieder ewig viele Versionen. Irgendeine Qualitätsmäßig besser als die anderen? Und funktioniert CB eigentlich...
by gixo
Feb 7th, '09, 23:54
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Hi Leute,

wie geht's denn so? Lange nicht mehr d-addicts besucht. Habe ich im letzten Jahr irgendetwas verpasst, dass man unbedingt gesehen haben sollte? Egal welche Sprache oder Genre. EInfach ein must-see...
by gixo
Jul 7th, '08, 11:02
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

also ich sehe jedenfalls nishikido ryo jetzt schon ein bissel anders als vorher. naja, strange würde ich seinen charakter nicht nennen (was ist schon strange in unserer zeit?), aber er ist - sagen wir es mal so - nicht nett. So, ich habe mir mal die ersten 3 Folgen von Last Friends angeschaut. Leic...
by gixo
Jun 27th, '08, 12:02
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

ps: mach dir nix draus ... ich komm zwar um 17:30 heim, bring aber den restl. Abend auch nix weiter :wink: hmm... käme jetzt auf die Frage an, wann du anfängst. Wenn du schon um 06:00Uhr anfängst mach ich mir nix draus, aber wenn du erst um 09:00Uhr anfängst und um 17:30Uhr schon zu Hause bist, bin...
by gixo
Jun 26th, '08, 17:35
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

boah, ich kriegs kotzen. Sitze noch an meinem Arbeitsplatz und wollte schon vor 2 Stunden weg. Buhuhu, wann soll man denn dann noch zum Dramen schauen kommen? Wenn ich zu Hause bin ist es auch schon wieder 20:30Uhr. Bleibt noch etwas Zeit zum essen, ganz wenig Dramen schauen und dann ruft auch schon...
by gixo
Jun 7th, '08, 09:51
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

i halte nix von standalone-playern .. egal wie wenig sie kosten ... deswegen habe ich auch keine ahnung davon ... sorry SHiNHWA ist h264 codiert ... das kann noch kein SA-Player In dem Sinne ... schöne woche noch ... bin wieder wech :P Habe gelesen, dass ein paar Multimediaplatten jetzt auch h264 u...
by gixo
May 23rd, '08, 10:20
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

CB schaufelt sich sein eigenes Grab ... falls ich das richtig interpretiere sind alle "grossen" kor CB's (hima, godlove, doldu, reload,...) offline :-( für die sinnlose Unterhaltung zwischendurch ... "Hachi-One Diver" und "Osen" ... pff :lol sorry, die 2 serien kann ic...
by gixo
May 18th, '08, 14:13
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

das sind *daumen mal pi 14000 Eps ... wie soll das gehen :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Aber scho krass viel und alles auf DVD gebrannt? Wieviele sind das den? :lol So grad Forbidden Kingdom angeschaut ,h264 version coole Quali. Boaah...der film hat mir jetzt richtig gut gefallen, da hat alles für mich gestim...
by gixo
Apr 3rd, '08, 18:38
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

geht von euch jemand auf das jap. Frankfurt? Falls ja, in welche Filme lohnt es sich denn besonders zu gehen? jap.Frankfurt? meinst du nippon connection.. :roll ...lauf da seit Jahren dran vorbei, hab halt kein interesse in japanische Filme. oops. nicht vollständig ausgeschrieben. Ja meinte ich. Di...
by gixo
Apr 3rd, '08, 17:46
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

geht von euch jemand auf das jap. Frankfurt? Falls ja, in welche Filme lohnt es sich denn besonders zu gehen?
by gixo
Mar 3rd, '08, 11:32
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

@gixo ... ratio-based = die menge die du downloadest mußt du auch uploaden (1:1 ratio) hast du mehr upload als download = guter user hast du weniger upload als download = schlechter user ... manche tracker sehens nicht so eng und sperren dich erst vom tracker und der webpage wenn du ZB: länger als ...
by gixo
Mar 2nd, '08, 13:00
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Wird aber Zeit, dass TW mal wieder eine gute Mangaverfilmung hinbekommt :roll ...ich warte auf POT. verfilmt China POT nicht gerade? Bin mal gespannt was die so drauf haben. Bis jetzt haben sie sich eher in historischen Dramen hervorgetan. POT Manga ist ja jetzt zu ende. warum slam dunk nie richtig...
by gixo
Feb 28th, '08, 13:25
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Seghal wrote:Einige Clubbox Teile werden neuerdings als Virus erkannt. :alcoholic:
??? was meinst du damit. Teile von einem file? heißt das, deine files bleiben unvollständig?
by gixo
Feb 28th, '08, 08:26
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

... eeeeeeh.... wie jetzt? fuer alle? :blink ich glaub ich muss mich nochmal gruendlich umsehen, aber ich guck selten auf die post zahlen... aber mal so pauschal betrachtet tippe ich auf ein "event of accidental nature"... :sweat: ich sag mal fast alle die im german thread activ sind, bra...
by gixo
Feb 26th, '08, 22:41
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

Ps: hab das hier mit meinem iPhone geschrieben :mrgreen: :blink hat ewig gedauert lol Du kaufst dir auch jeden Technikunsinn oder? :mrgreen: *will auch :whistling: haha, Sting will uns alle doch nur neidisch machen. Hat auch geklappt. Hab das Ding letztens mal ausprobiert als ich meinen Handyvertra...
by gixo
Feb 24th, '08, 15:39
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] It Started With A Kiss 2 (CTS/GTV, 2007)
Replies: 736
Views: 419255

@jo-anne I am not so sure that there'll ever be softsubs. I think one group outside d-a released softsubs for eps 1 but as for the rest... It might be better to dl the hardsubbed version here. in d-a. @saby According to wiki "they kiss again" is broadcasted on Sundays at 10pm. I am pretty ...
by gixo
Feb 21st, '08, 21:17
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

dvd player ist mir nix bekannt ... hab mich auch net wirklich damit beschäftigt wie schon vor einiger zeit besprochen ... einfachste verbindung computer-fernseher ist mit svideo kabel und 3,5mm klinke-cinch kabel mit scartadapter max. 5m lang honey & clover schau ich nicht ... ich hab von der h...
by gixo
Feb 21st, '08, 12:23
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

... ...mal schauen wie ich das jetzt mache hab kein Platz für alles.. sorry, da kann ich net mitreden ... hab in meinem wahn zurzeit 2TB Festplattenkapazität, da findet sich irgentwo immer n freies platzerl :D (allerdings mit 30€ fürn neuen sata-brenner erkauft, da sich im neuen rechner der alte br...
by gixo
Feb 20th, '08, 16:57
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

du musst wohl mal ganz viele "Thank you" posts schreiben. Ich habe irgendwann mal einen account gesehen, der hat zu 95 % aus thank you posts bestanden und zu 5 % aus bitte seeden posts. Wenn du gleich anfängst und überall ein thank you und please seed post verteilst, bist du morgen wieder ...
by gixo
Feb 20th, '08, 16:48
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

??? Das ist seltsam. Nadil, warum hast du denn nur einen Teil der Posts aberkannt bekommen? hmmm... ich lag mit meinen posts wohl bei 2000 irgendwas. Kann sein, dass ab einer bestimmten Menge die Postanzahl reduziert wurde oder auf 0 gesetzt wurde. Aber da alle posts noch da sind, sehe ich eigentlic...
by gixo
Feb 19th, '08, 14:56
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

macht es denn einen großen Unterschied, ob du DivX, Xvid, FDS oder x264 encodest? Ich encode immer mit DivX, da mein DVD Spieler dieses Format abspielen kann. Habe irgendwie aber die Lust am encoden im allgemeinen verloren. Ich hatte ja vor Weihnachten etwas mit DVDs encoden herumgedocktert, aber me...
by gixo
Feb 19th, '08, 13:33
Forum: International Community
Topic: German (and German-Speaking) D-Addicts part 2
Replies: 3131
Views: 476054

hmmm... was machen die denn hier? zu lange threads werden gelöscht, banner verschwinden und die posted Zahl ist wieder runter auf 0. Muss ich jetzt ganz viele "thank you"-posts schreiben, um wieder abzustimmen zu dürfen? haben die das mit den posts eingentlich angekündigt? Das mit den bann...
by gixo
Jan 21st, '08, 22:48
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] It Started With A Kiss 2 (CTS/GTV, 2007)
Replies: 736
Views: 419255

Just watched until eps 3 so far but what I find interesting is that whenever Zhi Shu starts to kiss and hug Xiang Qing she has always a wondering face at the beginning. Her face kinda express: I can't believe we belong together or what is he doing with me.
by gixo
Dec 19th, '07, 15:59
Forum: Tech Discussion
Topic: Multimedia Hard Disk for watching files on TV
Replies: 6
Views: 4035

ok guys. Haven't updated this thread yet. First, I made a mistake about the price. Since the Euro is so high right now, the price is more sth like 220-230USD (150 Euro). Pro can play Dvix, Xvid and MP4. Can play srt (even if it doesn't have the same name as the avi-file, so you can chose btw. more t...
by gixo
Dec 11th, '07, 18:30
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Bull Fighting (TTV / SETTV, 2007)
Replies: 198
Views: 110805

@ethidda just I am read your advice. Too bad I already dl the ydy version the last weekend. Btw. what is 6th? a new torrent side? And is icefish still available? Heard it's got to close down. Anyway, can't say anything about this drama yet as I haven't started watching it. But since I like both male...
by gixo
Dec 10th, '07, 07:56
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Flower's Taste/Hua Xiang (2003)
Replies: 144
Views: 70395

Take a look at this side. As far as I remember some of the songs here can be found on Hua Xiang. EDIT: a_inuyasha_z ul the MVs for Hua Xiang some time ago. Not sure if the links still work but you can find them on page ...
by gixo
Dec 7th, '07, 16:45
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

hmm... I guess I really have to reinstall avisynth and try it again then. hmmm... maybe I have some time this weekened. maybe...
by gixo
Dec 6th, '07, 23:22
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

pfff... finally had the time to ul the intro so you can check if sth is wrong with my file.

I think I'll work on some encodings, uploads and translating over x-mas time. Right now, I have no time to do it,
by gixo
Dec 6th, '07, 18:35
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Flower's Taste/Hua Xiang (2003)
Replies: 144
Views: 70395

Also, if anyone knows the song title of the opening song, that would be wonderful. But from what I've found, no one has it :( The name of the opening song is "hua xiang" sang by Ambrose .ou can find the OST on the welove OST side. Look at the links of interests on the left side of the hom...
by gixo
Nov 25th, '07, 17:33
Forum: Chinese Actors & Actresses
Topic: Wang Lee Hom
Replies: 149
Views: 1282682

On request of a friend I ul the piano sheets of "Xin Zhong De Ri Yue". So if anyone is interested in, here you go
piano sheets
by gixo
Nov 25th, '07, 17:28
Forum: Chinese Culture & Entertainment
Topic: Drama OST Music Sheets Piano Score
Replies: 13
Views: 41707

Just in case anyone is interested in.

Theme song of "it started with a kiss" - Er Zuo Ju (Prank)
by gixo
Nov 24th, '07, 19:51
Forum: Tech Discussion
Topic: Multimedia Hard Disk for watching files on TV
Replies: 6
Views: 4035

Multimedia Hard Disk for watching files on TV

Hi, I just got me a multimedia HD and I must say so far I am pretty impressed with it. It's like a external HD which you can connect to a PC but itcomes with its own players and is connactable to the TV via scart etc. So you can play files directly from your external HD on TV. I got a product from a...
by gixo
Nov 20th, '07, 07:35
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

my better files? What am I trying to do for the last weeks? Encoding my better files. :lol Got that drama coz it was sooo cheap. Got if for about 5 bucks.
by gixo
Nov 19th, '07, 22:04
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

@akumaX thanks for the link. I'll try to follow the guide when I have some more free time. btw. I saw that you are encoding Mr. Fighting. You are using ydy, right? hmmm... if avisynth ever works out for me I could help with some better files. @bankai I'll ul the original file as soon as possible. th...
by gixo
Nov 17th, '07, 11:01
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

I already tried what AkumaX said and I still got an error. However the line were only DGDecode_MPEG2Source("C:\8-13\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.vob.d2v") without the rest. wondering if that makes any difference. I'll give it a try again. After using a bigger file I figured out that the other program...
by gixo
Nov 16th, '07, 23:43
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

However what is the best size? 700MB or 350MB? I know it's up to me to decide but what is considered to be a nice quality?50 % size of the original source, 70%? haha, actually I don't really care about the size as long as it looks nice but there are some people who complains that when they burn the ...
by gixo
Nov 16th, '07, 23:15
Forum: International Community
Topic: Chinese D-Addicts
Replies: 668
Views: 1513378

wow, haven't posted here for quite some time. Ok, I think here is the right place to actually announce it. There is a vote now to decide which high quality TW drama raws should be uploaded to our CB. Please take a look at my sig and vote until Nov. 21th. There are some dramas on the list which are h...
by gixo
Nov 16th, '07, 23:03
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

Oh, wrong epression. I can change the bitrate. What I meant is that I don't really have an influence of the ending size result. I mean what you see is the highest quality I could get with that programm. So my original file was about 80Mb big and I encoded it to 33MB. So if I want an even higher qual...
by gixo
Nov 16th, '07, 20:16
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

I don't know why it's not working. I created a new d2v file and the txt looks similar to the one AkumaX posted. And still I receive an error for whatever reasons. I used another encoding programm to create this file It looks ok, I guess. However with that programm you ca...
by gixo
Nov 12th, '07, 12:49
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

yeah, I made sure that the dll is in my pluginfolder. as for what I meant with rmvb file is that I used avisynth before to create a code so virtual dub was able to handle it. So I know that avisynth normally is working for me. As for LameMP3. It seems that there are some issues between Lame and Xvid...
by gixo
Nov 11th, '07, 19:00
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

@bankai I copied the DGEncode.dll which came with the PGIndex into my avisynth folder. So it's definetely the same version as the PGIndex. However I am receiving the above mentioned message over and over again. I don't get it. I had no problems when I used a d2v for a rmvb file to encode it into avi...
by gixo
Nov 10th, '07, 23:39
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

Finally had the time to try out avisynth. However I did sth wrong. when I tried to open the file I got a message that sth in my code were wrong.
by gixo
Nov 1st, '07, 13:31
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: .srt subtitles font suddenly changed
Replies: 17
Views: 8001

Kind of off Topic: but just out of curiosity could this unicode and unsorted and UTF-coded problem also occur when you use a DVD player to watch files? Some time ago I watched a file and the subs suddenly disappeared after 30 minutes. however I could see them perfectly while watching it on PC. I sol...
by gixo
Nov 1st, '07, 12:30
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

Thank you. I realized that there were some stripes in the video but didn't really figure out where they came from and how to get rid of them. So here is the resized and interlaced file hmmm.... Xvid and Dvix. Doesn't really make a differ...
by gixo
Oct 31st, '07, 22:48
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

Ok, I succeded in creating some files (though the size didn't really turn out the size I like to have them) This is the intro for "In love with a rich girl". The actual DVD file size is 90MB big. I was able to reduce it to 61% and to 28%
by gixo
Oct 31st, '07, 20:28
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

Hi Bankai, finally had the time to try out some encoding. but I have to confess that I wasn't using DGIndex since I found a Virtual Dub version which is able to handle DVD files. However I still am NOT successful. So here is what I tried: a) I loaded the vob file and set the video compression to XVI...
by gixo
Oct 23rd, '07, 08:46
Forum: Chinese Actors & Actresses
Topic: -*~~~Ariel Lin~~~*-
Replies: 178
Views: 169998

anyone here have time to help out with encoding? Secret garden starring Ariel is going to be continued subbed now and it'll be great if someone could encode it. PM me. Thanks.

the pics looks great. Wish I had this kind of skills.
by gixo
Oct 23rd, '07, 08:34
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Romantic Princess (CTV/GTV, 2007)
Replies: 416
Views: 158961

I was succesful to enter ydy side today. Yay. But don't get it why I couldn't access it for the last 10 days.

But thanks ethidda. Now I don't need to look for the torrent myself. ^_^
by gixo
Oct 21st, '07, 19:09
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Romantic Princess (CTV/GTV, 2007)
Replies: 416
Views: 158961

anybody have problems to access the side of ydy? Wanted to check for ydy files and couldn't access ydy for several days now. It always says "no server". So annoying. Is it only me or is Angela looking better in this drama than in her previous ones? Like in "MVP Valentine" she loo...
by gixo
Oct 21st, '07, 06:26
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Mr. Fighting (TTV/SETTV, 2005)
Replies: 4
Views: 6403

oops, sorry. made a mistake. just saw this thread here. So maybe there are going to be some subs for it. @Ueda Jiro you didn't like it? haha, yeah well, yeah the fighting scenes weren't that great. But I have seen so much worse TW series so I sti...
by gixo
Oct 19th, '07, 19:28
Forum: Chinese Drama Discussions
Topic: [TwDrama] Mr. Fighting (TTV/SETTV, 2005)
Replies: 4
Views: 6403

I have seen some eps some years ago. Seems to belong to one of those ok dramas (in my opinion) I don't think that any subbing group is planning to sub it yet. ( see Chinese fansub guide side Besides since it's already an older drama with no raws around d-a, I doubt it that it'll be subbed in the nea...
by gixo
Oct 19th, '07, 18:54
Forum: Japanese Culture & Entertainment
Topic: Recommended Manga
Replies: 17
Views: 5133

W Juliet is pretty nice. If you like Hana Kimi, you might also like "Girl got it". I also like Skip Beat. Can't for the next chapter to come out. I also liked "Kare Kano" though the story became less funny and more serious to the end.
by gixo
Oct 10th, '07, 00:13
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

DGIndex is a part of DGMPGDec right? Btw. is there a difference btw virtual dub and virtual dub mod at all? to me it looks rather similar. As for the 1st pass, if I chose "don't run this job now", the first pass will run together with the 2nd pass then or when does it run? I did this befor...
by gixo
Oct 9th, '07, 19:08
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

I was playing around with virtual dub. Under "Video" I set the compression to Xvid first pass and the audio to lame MP3. Full processing mode. Then I saved it as avi-file. I used a small mpeg file for tests. The file is only 35MB big and it took about 30 seconds until the file was saved. I...
by gixo
Oct 9th, '07, 12:39
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

stupid question I know, but can you tell me how long the first pass of a 2 pass takes? Somehow my first pass only needs about 1 min and then it's done whereas the 2nd pass takes some hours. Shouldn't the first pass take more time?
by gixo
Sep 29th, '07, 15:38
Forum: Tech Support
Topic: encode a DVD-file into mpeg4/avi
Replies: 45
Views: 12984

@bankai thanks for your input. Really hope that you can write a good guide when you have some free time. you are right videohelp and doom are good resources, but if you don't know where to start it doesn't help. but since I now know that I should go for XviD, I at least know which guides are relevan...