While you may find the idea of selling pictures of your feet online a little strange at first, you could change your mind after finding out how much one can make in this industry and how easy it actually is. It has become second nature to post pictures of yourself, your loved ones and even your home or vacation spot on various social media platforms, this is a lot more intrusive and potentially harmful than simple feet pics. Seeing that it’s not your face or body you’ll be photographing, meaning no one will be able to recognize you, it may be an interesting avenue to ponder. However, always make sure to choose reputable sights if you’re thinking about the option to sell feet pics.
Moving with the Times
Alright, so it isn’t the most traditional way of making side income or even the most common, but selling images of your feet sure can be beneficial. It’s said that people who do well in life manage to keep up and move with the times, and it’s a well-known fact that the online industry, whether you’re being sponsored by a company or have started an online business, is an enormous market that remains to be untapped to its full potential.
With various markets and industries popping up, why not go with the flow and try your hand at selling pictures of your feet? It may not even be your feet that people are interested in, there is also a large interest in footwear, such as boots, sandals, sneakers and stilettos. It is understandable that the idea of a foot fetish makes you uncomfortable, in which case there’s no harm done and no need to contemplate selling pics. However, with one in five people reportedly enjoying the sight of feet, there’s no wonder that this is a fast-growing niche market.
The Psychology of Foot Fetishes
The official term for a foot fetish is podophilia, the prefix of which also applies to a doctor specialized in the treatment of feet—a podiatrist. There are a few different opinions on why people develop a foot fetish or enjoy the sight of feet. The first is that some experts and researchers believe that fetishes develop because something happened when you were a child or a teenager that linked the fetish object with sexual arousal in your mind, meaning that you witnessed or experienced something in your childhood that related to feet and gave you a sense of pleasure. This doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual in nature, it can be as simple as a link made between having a fantastic day in your childhood and a trigger involving feet. Your subconscious then makes a connection in this regard and that could stick for years to come.
The second is that the origins of foot fetishes, along with many other fetishes that people have, lie in your brain. Researchers have spent years delving into and understanding particularly strong feelings or urges by means of brain maps, which show the areas of your brain that turn on when you experience sensations, like when you touch, see, or smell something. This incredibly interesting area of research, namely brain mapping, shows that the parts of your brain that control the sensations in your feet and genitals are right next to each other. So, in some people, when you feel, see, or smell feet, the area in your brain that controls your genitals may turn on, too. It is a simple physiological reaction, and nothing to be ashamed of.
There are other theories, but no one can be one hundred percent certain as to why a person likes feet and not, for instance, knees. One theory believes that it comes from growing up and living in a sex-positive community where exploration is more acceptable, potentially resulting in fetishes that make sex more fun or pleasurable. While another hypothesis claims that certain cultures may emphasize particular objects or body parts, creating a fetish. The origin is not too important, but it is paramount to live and be who you are, as long as you don’t hurt anyone or overstep boundaries.
Actually Making Money
Selling pictures of your feet is much like any other financial endeavor: it’s going to take time, creativity, and an open mind. Believe it or not, this market has been going since the internet, and especially social media has been around, which means that there are a lot of sites and potential buyers all over the world. It’s not simply about taking a picture of your foot as you sit on the couch. Creators go to great lengths to create foot fetish content that is original, appealing, and consistent. As with other social media sights, your profile won’t really skyrocket unless you post often and create things that add value to your future audience. If this is something that interests you, you’d have to start researching reputable sites by checking reviews and understanding the fetish itself.
The next step is to differentiate between a foot fetish and a shoe fetish—two very different things. The names kind of indicate what the person enjoys, in the first instance it’s about the foot itself, and the latter is about the shoe and how it is worn or what it is used for. See, there’s more to it than one might think. Once you’ve decided on what you’d like to photograph and what you feel comfortable with, the next step is to find a niche that you could fit into. Some people are simply interested in the foot or the sole itself, while others want to see the foot in action; this could be walking, running, stepping on soft items or running water along your toes. Do the research and find out what types of pictures make the most money and pique the most interest. And remember, success can depend on many factors, including the quality and uniqueness of your content, how actively you promote your profile as well as the demand for the type of content you offer.
Get a Foot in the Door
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying it out and giving the foot fetish industry a go. If you take pride in your feet, get a pedicure now and then, and could picture this as a source of income, then why not? Having said that, some people actually prefer unpedicured feet so it’s not always about having perfectly trimmed nails and gorgeous toes, it’s primarily about reading the market, finding a niche that suits you and that you can add value to, and perhaps even getting a foot in the door.