what is energy

Waking up in the morning is not everyone’s cup of tea, but research cannot deny the benefits of being an early bird. It is also the reason why most CEOs and businesspeople around the world ditched the working-out-late routine in favor of a fresh start, as early in the morning as possible.

And while you may not be able to wake up full of energy at 4:30 or 5 AM, there are still some tips and tricks you can follow to rest assured you’ll have enough time to finish all your chores for the day if you wake up early.

Set up your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier

Whether you like to check your phone or emails first thing in the morning or simply need a few minutes to properly wake up, it is always best to set up your alarm clock a few minutes ahead of your morning routine. This will give your brain plenty of time to adjust to the fact that you’re awake and start functioning normally.

Don’t hit the snooze button

Setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier doesn’t mean you are allowed to sleep in by hitting the snooze button. As tired as you may seem or unwilling to leave the warm sheets to head into the cold and cruel world, you should learn to wake up the second the alarm goes off.

Prolonging your agony with five more minutes won’t allow your brain to properly wake up, meaning you will actually feel more tired in the long term. According to studies, opening your eyes the second after you hear your alarm helps you function better in the morning and actually gives you more energy.

Have your 20-minute routine

Each person is different so you shouldn’t try to copy someone else’s morning routine as it may not be the best solution for you. However, you should take some time and see what really works best for you to put you in the mood and help you enjoy a productive day.

Some people prefer reading the newspapers for 15-20 minutes before starting their day, while others enjoy jogging. For some, meditating is the perfect way to stay in shape, and for others, swimming or walking does the trick.

No matter what you choose, it’s good to have a ritual of your own to keep you going. Sticking to a routine helps the brain to pick up healthier habits easily while also providing you some time alone for your thoughts.

If you still don’t know exactly which activity suits you best, you should give some of the previously mentioned options a try. Even a combination of meditating and swimming or jogging and yoga can do the trick for you.

Allow yourself one lazy morning

Although this seems impossible if you have small children, it is quite beneficial to wake up later one day a week. Whether we’re talking about Sunday mornings or during the week after a long day at work, sleeping in is considered a reward for a job well done.

Sometimes, both the brain and the body require more time to recover, and this is why it is best to skip your morning routine once in a while if you feel the need to.

Go for a quick shower

There are plenty of benefits for a quick five-minute shower, and they go beyond your morning routine. Sticking to a quick shower allows you to save energy and money in the long term, while also protecting the environment.

As for the water temperature, specialists don’t recommend using hot water. Apart from requiring more time and energy to heat, hot water dilates pores and blood vessels, causing your body to relax and even feel sleepy.

Although it may be good before going to bed at night, hot showers are not recommended in the morning if you want to stay active. On the contrary, try opting for lukewarm water or even alternating cold and warm water to stimulate your blood circulation and revigorate.

Choose a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you shouldn’t skip it even if you’re in a hurry. If you still have trouble managing your time first thing in the morning, you can always prepare all the ingredients for your meal the night before so you don’t do too much cooking the next day.

Either way, a cup of coffee and a croissant doesn’t actually qualify as a healthy meal. Even if your stomach isn’t used to eating early, you should force yourself to have at least one sandwich.

Opt for light ingredients such as avocado, bacon, or cheese on toast. And, if you’re looking for a top-quality product at an affordable price, the white version of a two-slice toaster could prove the best option for you and your family.

An omelet, a frittata, or even pancakes represent healthy choices for a delicious meal that will boost your energy levels and keep you focused until lunch. However, avoid greasy or fatty foods even if it is said that morning calories don’t count. Keep in mind that overeating can have the opposite effect and cause tiredness.

Take vitamins

Sometimes, our bodies won’t be able to assimilate all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from food alone, and this is why it would be best to choose some supplements that will help you focus better and improve your memory or keep your bones and teeth strong.

Make sure to talk to your physician first before taking any supplements and run some tests to see if you actually need them. There is no point in taking synthetic vitamins if you can easily get everything your body needs just by introducing one-two extra foods into your daily diet.

Set your goals for the day

Another tip that can help you find the energy you need to solve everything is to set some achievable daily goals. Whether it’s cleaning your closet, taking time to finally download those pictures on your phone or finish a report for work on time, having your priorities straight will provide more efficient time management and enough energy to last you through the day.

The key is to be realistic and always give yourself some moments to breathe, enjoy lunch, and relax.