two woman sitting near table using Samsung laptop

Knowing some of the best questions to ask when online dating can change everything, allowing you to learn more about your potential partner. Subtle, deep, and even philosophical questions can show them who you are and what you care deeply about. Read further to learn about great and not-so-great questions you can ask your online crush!

Best questions to ask

You can always recognize the best questions to ask during online dating because of how polite, deep, and generally positive they sound. When your goal is to learn more about a person, you avoid hurting or confusing them. Here are a few questions you can ask to break the ice.

What’s something you’re passionate about?

This question helps you discover what excites them and what they truly care about. It opens the door to learning about their hobbies, interests, or dreams, making the conversation engaging and personal.

What’s a goal you’re currently working on?

Asking about their goals shows you’re interested in their aspirations and growth. It also gives you insight into their ambitions and values.

What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken?

Travel stories often reveal their sense of adventure and favorite experiences. This question encourages them to share a positive memory and can lead to a fun exchange about places you both might want to visit.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

This question invites them to open up about a unique or interesting part of themselves. It can help create a sense of trust and intimacy in your conversation.

What’s your ideal weekend?

This question gives you a glimpse into how they like to relax or have fun. It also helps you understand their lifestyle and how well it matches yours.

What’s a book, movie, or show that you love, and why?

Learning about their entertainment preferences can reveal their taste and personality. It’s also an easy way to find common ground and keep the conversation light yet meaningful.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

This deeper question allows them to share something meaningful, offering insights into their life perspective and values.

Worst questions to ask

While there are cool questions to ask when online dating, there are also terrible questions that can kill the mood. Avoid asking your potential partner about these things, or they might see you as rude, impolite, and even offensive. Avoid talking about these things both on a dating site and in real life.

Why are you still single?

This question can feel judgmental or insulting, even if it’s meant as a compliment. It puts them on the spot and might make them feel defensive.

How much money do you make?

Asking about finances early on is intrusive and inappropriate. It can make the person feel like you’re more interested in their wallet than in them.

When are we meeting in person?

While it’s natural to want to meet eventually, pushing for an in-person meeting too soon can feel rushed or overly eager. Let the connection develop naturally first.

What happened in your last relationship?

This question can dig up painful memories or create unnecessary tension. Focus on the present instead of dwelling on their past relationships.

Do you always look like that in real life?

Comments about appearance that seem skeptical or critical can come across as rude. Instead, compliment them if you admire their photos or style.

What’s your exact address?

Asking for personal details too soon, like their address or where they live, can feel invasive and raise safety concerns.

What’s your weight/height/body type?

Questions about physical appearance can seem shallow and overly focused on looks. It’s better to get to know them for who they are rather than reducing them to numbers or measurements.