People spend their leisure time with friends, playing games, listening to music, watching movies, etc. Personally, I watch movies (especially documentaries) or do modern art painting. How do you spend your leisure? Do you like to watch movies? I guess you do, either you are interested in movies or in cryptocurrencies. That’s why you are here, right?

If you don’t know much about cryptocurrency or digital currency, you may at least have come across the buzz word “bitcoin” or “crypto” or “blockchain.” These are the most trending topics of the hour and you should aware of these terms. Because you will definitely need them in the future so why not understand it now.

As we need money for survival, it is important to know about the future of money, don’t you think so? To put it simply, the future of money is going to be different than the existing system.

Today most people rely on the digital payment system than cash payments. Moreover, people are now shifting towards digital currencies like bitcoin and crypto coins. To help you understand the concept behind the virtual currencies, I will be sharing some movies based on the virtual currencies and the technology behind them.

Before that, I would like to spread some light on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Crypto and Blockchain

These two terms are the hottest topic among investors, business persons, and tech-savvies a few years back. But today it has become the most popular topic on the internet. Cryptocurrencies operate through a decentralized network where no third party is involved in it. The decentralized network used for these cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology. The main advantages of this technology and the currency system are as follows.

  • Enables faster transactions due to the absence of a middleman or authorization body even for international transactions.
  • Provide a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions.
  • Very low transaction cost.

Visit official website to understand more about digital coins and blockchain technology. Now, here are several movies that you can watch to understand about crypto and blockchain.

Top 5 Movies on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Watching movies is the most interesting and funny way to learn anything easily. Because we are influential beings and movies influence us better. So here I am sharing the top 5 movies that will help you to understand how the digital currencies work and what you should know about them.

Bitcoin-The End of Money as We Know It

In 2014, Torstein Hoffman created a documentary on bitcoin which is a must watch movie for everyone. This is the best ever movie made on bitcoin. The duration is about 60 minutes and you will definitely enjoy it and gain some knowledge about the future of money. This movie shows how the traditional currency system will be disrupted by the digital currency system supported by some interviews.

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

Since 2009, Bitcoin is always in the top list of cryptocurrencies in terms of its market cap. This is ranked the number one digital currencies among thousands. A decade has passed but the value of bitcoin is still volatile. The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is a movie that depicts the high demand and popularity of bitcoin.

Banking on Bitcoin

This movie also takes you through the successful journey of bitcoin. It also gives you some insight into how banks are going to use this as a viable currency. It also shows how early birds will get the benefits.

Life on Bitcoin

This movie will tell how the future transaction will be done on crypto. It shows how you are not going to use any cash or credit cards in the future. This will show how life will be without no bank accounts, no cash, but only bitcoin.

Trust Machine- The Story of Blockchain

This is a must-watch movie which tells you about the evolution of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. You will understand about decentralization and its impact on our daily life.