Every night you fall asleep in the hope that the next morning will be better. Some plan out their next day, and some take resolutions to follow a better routine. But when the morning arrives, you are still stressed about the same pattern you need to follow and the things you need to do. You just wish you could go back to sleep and dump all the worries in a dream somewhere in such cases.
Often, you might wake up and wonder how some people are so excited in the mornings. What are they doing differently from us that keeps them so joyful? Therefore, we took it upon us to look at the mornings from a different perspective, and we have figured it all out.
15 Effective ways for an Exciting Morning
Given below here is a list of 15 ways how you can make your morning better.
1. Follow a sleep routine
Set a sleep schedule for yourself and ensure that you get enough sleep to keep you functioning and cheery. Follow the routine strictly for a while, and you will notice a great change in your attitude towards waking up.
2. Ensure Quality Sleep
To have a wonderful morning, you need to ensure you had a wonderful night. Invest a little in your bedding and mattress. Get hypo allergenic duvet cover and pillows to prevent you from any allergies you might get from your bedding. This will help you in a night of comfortable, uninterrupted sleep.
3. Allow natural light
As the natural light enters your room, it triggers your brain to stop producing melatonin and start with adrenaline. Keep your blinds or curtains half-open, so when the sun rises, you will know. Also, the morning sunlight has many other health advantages.
4. Drink enough water
You have been sleeping for 8-9 hours, and you have become dehydrated; what you need now is a large glass of water. Some even like to add lemon or mint to it. It helps in rehydrating your body and getting rid of free radicals. Also, it helps in easing your bowel movements.
5. Meditate
Dedicate some time to meditation. It refreshes your mind and prevents you from any negativity that lured across your mind through the night. You can spend this time to connect with God and put your mind at peace. It boosts your confidence and strengthens your will power.
6. Set out for a run
Get in comfortable clothes and shoes and set out for a run. Running in the morning allows your lungs to freshen up with the fresh air. It also helps in warming up your body and loosening the muscles of your legs and building endurance.
7. Warm-up in shower
Another way to warm your body up is to take a warm shower in the morning. Warm water running across your body helps loosen your muscles and take the strain off your body. Warmth helps your cells to regenerate and heal any inflammation or sprain. Make sure the water is not too hot.
8. Perform gentle stretching
Gentle stretching exercises like a child pose or downward-facing cow, are extremely beneficial in the morning. It takes away all the rigidity of the muscles and helps in treating sore muscles. Gentle stretching is also helpful in taking away stress off your body and improves blood circulation.
9. Say no to gadgets
Digital devices, both before and after, are harmful to you. The first thing many people do right after they wake up is check up on their phones. The blue light from the screen of your phone or laptop hurts your eyes and temper your hormone secretion. Also, the radiations are bad for your health.
10. Listen to music
With the above steps, you will feel the freshness, but the hype is still missing. To introduce hype to your mornings, listen to upbeat music. It will get you excited and add spice to your morning. You can also read some motivational books to uplift your mood and fill you with the will to achieve your goals.
11. Workout
Working out is a great way to get your body all juiced up. You do not need to do heavy exercises that will tire you. Just perform some basic exercises to just trigger your adrenaline. You can listen to music while working out to excite you to the prime.
12. Take a cool shower
After working out, your body is probably all sweaty, and you might want to wash it up. Calm your body with a cold shower. It helps in recharging the energy and takes the edge off your muscles, hence preventing you from getting pumped up.
13. Eat healthily
Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day, and you must not base it on fried, unhealthy food. Plan an eating schedule for your week and cover all the nutrients that you need for the proper functioning of your body. Add juice, eggs, toast, salad, etc., to your breakfast.
14. Get ready
The next thing to make your mornings better is to get ready for work. Even if you are not going out and planning on staying at home, wear fresh clothes. It generates a positive feeling that you are ready to tackle all the situations waiting for you.
15. Plan out your day
Now take your time and plan out what you are going to accomplish today. This makes up the best part of the morning if you love to stay organized. And if you don’t, you should. An organized morning leads to an organized life and thus making it less complicated.
Mornings are the most important time of the day. It determines how the rest of your day is going to be. Happy mornings are the way to a prosperous life. If your mornings are cheery, your days will follow it. A happy life is a healthy life. Make a routine and stick to it to make your mornings better.