Most business managers will attest to a stressful working week, as putting out fires and addressing internal and external issues seem to come with the territory. That being said, there is a vast difference between feeling stressed and keeping up with the demands of a fast-paced business, so today we are going to look at how you can get on top of your priorities. If you are a new or seasoned business manager, here are some strategies you can put into action today.

Outsource Where Possible

Delegation is a key part of effective management, as you cannot be everywhere at all times and you need to be empowering your staff with tasks within their grasp. The same goes for outsourcing to professionals, as small business payroll, prospecting, marketing, and so many more services can be conducted offsite by capable individuals. As a business manager, you want to be agile enough to work on problem-solving issues and acting on opportunities that arise in your business, not tied to admin chaos.

Establish A Routine

Some business managers will argue that routine doesn’t come with the territory of a business manager, but even a busy business can establish some order. There are a number of digital or analog solutions you can try to organize your day, so be sure to try some time management software or utilize a business diary to see what is most effective. If you haven’t worked to a routine yet, start simple with a routine like – rosters written on Monday, stock inventory/ordering on Tuesday, and so on. Stress can arise in uncontrolled circumstances, so let your routine bring some control back to your role.

Stay Educated And Informed

Knowledge is power and by continuing to upskill yourself you will learn new strategies and more efficient ways of working. There are a number of short and long courses online, as well as face to face education if that is more your style. Alternatively, you might find that a few subscriptions to business magazines bridge any gaps you might feel you have in the management field, allowing you to ease any stress or answer any questions. There are even some free TAFE courses that will give you a qualification at the end. By passively absorbing information in your field, you will serve your future self who will have a toolkit for dealing with real-world tasks and challenging circumstances.

Communicate With Your Team More

Do your employees know what the biggest challenge is for the business, or are they operating blindly and simply punching their hours each day? By communicating with your team regularly and authentically, you will foster an engaged workforce who actually cares about the goals of the business. You might even find that your biggest gripes and hurdles are something that can be managed quite simply by the right professional in your team. Start with a monthly meeting to discuss business issues and see what insights and benefits come from a more informed workforce.

Strike A Balance

When we go to the gym, we know those rest days are just as important as working days. The same goes for your workweek, you are only going to be productive and relieving stress if you have time away from work. Get into the habit of having work-free weekends, even if that means adding an extra hour onto your workdays to gain this freedom. A clear mind will ensure that you return back to the office on Monday ready to be the best business manager you can be.

Work stress can be all-consuming if we let it take over our lives, and stress doesn’t always result in smart decision-making or fast career growth either. Implement these tips here and see how your performance and mindset improves.