The abstract may be the most important part of your manuscript. We will show you how to write a good abstract in order to maximize your research’s attention. For your info, the tips are commonly used by many writing service companies.
The abstract is probably the most important part of your manuscript for several reasons. First, the abstract is the first part that the journal editor reads when deciding whether to submit your manuscript for review. Similarly, when your work is published, this is the first part of the reader’s review. In many cases, this is the only part of the document the reader will read.
In this way, the abstract becomes a tool that concisely conveys your research and highlights its most important aspects. The following article describes how to write a good abstract in order to maximize the attention of your research.
Write a dissertation first
Some authors will tell you that you should write an abstract as soon as you finish your research. As you condense all aspects of your work into one file, your memory will be refreshed effectively. Manuscripts can guide the writing of abstracts, which are a condensed summary of your research.
Write a strong abstract
If you can’t decide where to start writing, think through your dissertation and outline the most important sentences (introduction, methods, results, and discussions / conclusions) for each part. Then use these sentences as an outline to write an abstract. At this point, it’s also important to understand the style of your target journal and study their abstract principles. For example, some journals require a clear abstract structure, divided into different sections, and most journals have strict word limits.
Provide introductory background information leading to your goal statement.
The first part of the abstract matters and these 1-3 sentences must let the reader know why you did the research.
Briefly describe your method.
The method part of the summary is an opportunity to outline the basic design of your research. The abstract in the biological or clinical field should refer to the organism, cell line, or population being studied. In the case of ecological papers, the research site is usually important information. Papers on clinical trials should mention sample size, patient cohort, dose, and study duration.
Clearly describe the most important findings of your research.
Just as the abstract may be the most important part of the paper, the section on results may be the most important part of the abstract.
State your conclusions concisely and avoid exaggeration.
The last 1-2 sentences of the abstract should be used to summarize the key information about the research: your conclusions. A good way to start this part is to use sentences such as “Our research finds ••••••” or “Overall, our conclusion is ••••••”. Then, state your main findings as briefly as possible. Finally, consider writing a statement stating the theoretical or practical significance of your work and/or how your work advances the field. This will help readers understand more clearly the importance of your findings.
Things to avoid in the abstract.
The abstract should be the summary of the study, so it usually has a strict word limit. It is not easy to summarize all the important aspects of research work in a 250-word or less text. However, knowing which issues to avoid when writing an abstract makes this job a little easier.